Missions Ministry
Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive. ICA believes in fulfilling the call of God by serving others and helping in areas of need in our nation, whether it’s partnering with other churches to help their ministry, building projects, responding to disasters with aid and assistance, or offering medical help in poor and rural communities. Each year we do service projects to help in various parts of Indonesia. If you would like to join a service trip, click our link below to learn more.
Social Ministry
In Isaiah 58, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah, commanding His people to share their food with the hungry, shelter the homeless, help those in trouble. But this is so much more than simply providing charity—this is a command teaching us about right worship, about healing, and about restoration. So, like Jesus, we meet the poor where they are, build relationships and learn with them, walk with them, and empower them to be the people God wants them to be.
Join us as we work with teens from poor communities—to educate them, mentor them, raise them up to be young leaders and change-makers in their own communities, so they in turn can impact their families and friends.
This is how the body of believers is restored. This is how the world is restored. To ourselves, To one another. And to God.

Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Hence, we as parents' partner welcome all children to be part of us from toddler 2 years old until grade 6. Through fun environment, children will learn about Bible chronologically, do praise & worship, and learn to value and reach the lost in hope that they will grow as generation that loves Jesus and people. ICA Kids are raising children who love Jesus and people alongside parents.

ICA Youth is a community for teenagers (13- 19 years old) at ICA. Teens in Surabaya can find this community at ICA’s East and West Campus. Our weekly activities include Youth services called “Friday Night Live” and small groups throughout the week. Activities include sports nights, worship nights, game nights, youth conferences, youth camps, and more. Here, teens will have the chance to grow in relationship with God, build friendships, be mentored by leaders, and have a lot of fun. It’s a great place for teenagers to gather together and encounter Jesus!

Christian worship is not only about the music, songs and acts of worship we do at church. It is way beyond that. It is an attitude of the heart. They're not to be seen by men, but they help us express our gratitude, love and awe of the one true God. The worship ministry exist because we desire to please God. Everything should be centered in Him, for Him and through Him. ICA Music Department invites you to worship together and be a part of our team. We are looking for people who share the same values.

Service Media
The service media team is serving during any Sunday service in ICA. These are the people that are operating slides, sound engineers, or lighting designers. The service media team work together with the worship team and pastors to bring an experience to help our congregation get into worship and have a great time in coming to ICA. This team mostly works behind the scene and are mostly unseen by the congregation, until something is wrong. For you who wants to join this team some technical aptitude might be necessary to serve effectively.

Creative Media
Everything you see in the service on any given Sunday is crafted to help create an environment where people can come to church and experience Jesus. This ministry is for those who have a sense of art and want to serve behind the scene as the Invisibles. People who God gave them talent to create and communicate. The Creative Media team is responsible for everything you see in ICA, and are one of the most hardworking, creative, uncredited volunteers in ICA.

Kafé Asa
We like coffee in ICA, and we do missions as well. Kafé Asa is our own missions coffee where week after week it is run by volunteers who are passionate about coffee. The Kafé is called missions cafe because 100% of the profit will go towards our missions fund to grow the Kingdom of God making an impact in Indonesia. If you like coffee and would like to learn how to provide great coffee towards our congregation and missions, this is the place for you.

We believe Groups are crucial for your spiritual health as a member of the body of Christ. Relationships are the circulatory system of the body of Christ. When we are connected to each other, Christ’s life flows to us and through us—transforming our heart, mind and soul from the inside out. We want you to be in a Group because we want you to THRIVE as a Christian. And deep relationships with God’s people provide the vital in-flow and out-flow necessary to do just that.

Young Professionals
College students and working professionals are in need of a genuine community where they can grow their faith together in facing life’s biggest challenges that are unique to them. ICA Pro believes that through the foundation of the Word of God, the ministry of the church, and the mission for the lost, the young adults can experience a new level of faith that engages their generation. We meet every Thursday starting from 7pm until 9pm in both the West Campus and East Campus. Come and experience the difference!

Prayer Team
Prayer is a powerful way to seek God's will in our lives. Here at ICA, the Prayer Ministry team facilitates prayer needs through our chat group; weekly Upper Room meetings; and in a pastoral supportive role during the Sunday services or as needed. You don't need any formal seminary degree to pray, just a desire and longing to intercede and believe in the power of prayer. Experience mountains moving and hear testimonies of God's wonderful grace when you join the Prayer Ministry team. If you sense the Holy Spirit's calling to intercede, come and join the Prayer Ministry team. Prayer works.

Hospitality Ministry
The first face you see in any church is usually the Hospitality Ministry volunteers. This ministry is the forefront of ICA and they help out in getting to know people and make them feel welcomed. The ministry requires you to work as a team and help people get acquainted with ICA. The Hospitality is the ministry that connects you to other things in ICA and give you information about what is happening in ICA and how to get connected. If you like to meet people and talk to people then this is the ministry for you.